Saturday, July 26, 2008

Blaque Tulip

Adding Pastor Lance Lewis' blog to the "Blogging for Truth & Christ's Glory" list on this site. I would encourage you to read brother Lewis' recent posting on Reformation in the African American church, a theme taken on here as well as other notable blogs. Check out Pastor Lance's latest here.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

How Can Christians Support Obama?

Of course this question is never asked by African American Christians, and I think Eric Redmond in this piece does a good job in explaining to white evangelicals how easily Black Christians can support Obama's candidacy, recognizing that white believers tend to see Christian political concerns centered mainly on the issues of abortion, homosexual marriage, and a nationalistic foreign policy dressed in the cloak of patriotism.

There certainly needs to be a far-reaching and honest discussion among Christians of all cultures as to what constitutes a biblically motivated policy agenda, and personally I think we can simply review the ethical, economic, moral, and judicial charges brought against ancient Israel by the Lord to understand what are his expectations of government leadership.

It's not too far of a stretch to say that the sum of Christian policy concerns should not stop at homosexual marriage and abortion. Indeed, even on these issues, there needs to be a strategic discussion of policy that goes beyond simply declaring these items as wrong or arguing for the proposed negative residual psychological effects of these actions. For example, if we want to see abortion become an antiquated relic of American history, will overturing Roe v. Wade deliver the societal transformation that the Christian community desires? Perhaps, if the church were able to connect anti-abortion concerns to a larger child-advocacy agenda, the social and cultural pressure can be applied against abortion that would lack the inflammatory tones that it has today, and actually make it a thing of the past.

With that said, let me underscore that I believe abortion is a grievous blight on our society, and conservatives and liberals of all ilks should agree that abortion, especially given the number of abortions performed annually in this country, is an indictment against our society.

Anyhow, check out Redmond's piece which does a good job of speaking to the underlying cultural and identity themes that really drive Black American's hope and expectations for Obama's candidacy.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Let the Nations be Glad!

How we need the burden of missions!! Given my recent post about the eternal destiny of those who have never heard the gospel, I wanted to post a link to our good brother John Piper's recent message on missions. I'm always challenged and convicted when considering the daunting imperative and call to the church to proclaim the lordship, glory and necessity of Jesus Christ for all peoples everywhere. Check out both his message and related materials here.