Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Want help in achieving biblically centered thinking, add this to your library...

I can hardly wait to plumb the depths of Brother Carter's excellent work, you can read about it here, and for those who have not posted to my blog before, are not members of Living Faith, and are not employees of BST, I will send this book to the first of you who asks for a copy of this provocative work. Simply send your mailing address to my email, dwilliamson1965@yahoo.com, and this book will be on its way to you this week!

1 comment:

DeeDub said...

Congrats to Erica Batte of Pittsburgh, PA who was the first to email in and who has her copy of "Experiencing the Truth" on its way.

Stay tuned for other book give aways on the themes of reformation, theology, church renewal, etc...
